"Everything Went Fine Until You Got Here"
Update 0.6.0



Christmas spirit.
Proper shaders.
Mouse sensitivity slider.
New UI buttons.
New wheel models.
New wheel models.
New core model.
New block models.
Actual music.
New sound effects.

Many physics changes.
Build mode overhaul.
Entirely redid the UI.
Entirely redid the map.
Entirely redid the shaders.
Entirely stripped down the code and rebuilt it.
Established our definite theming.

Practically all of 0.5. (Whoo!)

Soaring (Build Mode)
Meteor Shower (Build Mode)
Sun Shafts (Build Mode)
Liquid (Build Mode)
Jingle Shower (Build Mode)
Threat Detected (Battle Mode)
Incoming (Battle Mode)
Fire At Will (Battle Mode)