"Heavier Industrier"
Update 1.2.1

( 1.2a | 1.2.1 | 1.2.2 | 1.2.3 | 1.2.4)



Gauss inaccuracy is more forgiving.
Doug now sells.
Improved performance on Deimos.
Adjusted nameplates scaling and transparency.
Unarmed / Disarmed bots are no longer cubes.
A-GRV image now displays.
Weapon swap indicator no longer appears if you have no weaponry.
Fixed Mismatched names and typos in the Logbook.
Splash screen background displays properly.
Retuned rewards.
[secret zone] controller.
Secondaries require more than one 'unit' of healing to reload.
Rails invisible in certain cases when shot off.
Fixed garage widgets persisting across garages.
Old New Era song far too long.
Rails invisible in certain cases when shot off.
Garage widgets persisting across garages.
Old New Era song far too long.
Mines not crediting you with kill.
AGRV vfx not respecting isVisible setting.
Rocket vfx/sfx not deleted.
Vents & other blocks prevent destruction.
Restock zones being opaque to plasma/rivet projectiles.
Healing kicks the healer from the game.
Reduced occasional pause when returning from test to garage.
You no longer stay in game if dead when the game ends.
Account server no longer permits debt when using ProcelioTool.
Deimos healpad bindings.
Several serverside "vfx/sfx not present" exceptions.
Server port binding retry.
Gauss projectile no longer has a collider.
Sorry :( (sad)