"Deep Freeze III"
Update 1.4.2

( 1.4a | 1.4.1 | 1.4.2 | 1.4.4 )





All secondary have been rewritten to unified with a new global ammo pool system based off of the Autocannon and Smoke Launcher.
All secondary weapons contribute ammunition to a magazine (up to their per-class cap), as well as a reserve ammunition store..
All secondary weapons pull from their reserve ammunition store to fill their active magazine cap in line with their own recharge rate and systems..
All restocking effects restore ammunition to the reserve store, as opposed to the active magazine.


Missile Launcher
 - Max active magazine size: 6
 - Reserve ammunition per-part: 1
 - Part reload time: 10s
 - Ammo Value: 1000
 - Reload style: Parallel Magazine (parts begin reloading independently of each other after being fired, but only up to the magazine limit)
 - Max active magazine size: 20
 - Magazine per-part: 5
 - Reserve ammunition per-part: 2 (15 total per-part)
 - Fire rate: 40/s -> 10/s
 - Damage: 180 -> 800
 - Part reload time: 5s
 - Secondary Ammo Value: 2000/5 shots
 - Reload style: Global (All parts begin reloading at once you stop firing)
Smoke Launcher
 - Max active magazine size: 8
 - Reserve ammunition per-part: 2
 - Part reload time: 5s
 - Secondary Ammo Value: 500
 - Reload style: Global
 - Max active magazine size: 6
 - Reserve ammunition per-part: 1
 - Part reload time: 15s
 - Reload style: Parallel Magazine
 - Secondary Ammo Value: 1000
CAS Cutter
 - Max active magazine size: Uncapped
 - Reserve ammunition per-part: 2
 - Part reload time: 5s
 - Secondary Ammo Value: 750
 - Reload style: Per-part (each part recharges independently of each other, if they have ammo to spend)
 - Increased hitbox size once entering server control to better land hits.
 - Reduced damage per-hit: 5500 -> 4500

Note: CAS Cutters are still due for some work and touchups, but hopefully with some increase to their successful hit rates in exchange for a bit of their alpha damage, they'll be in a better place overall.


All secondaries now come with some reserve ammunition built in, letting you use them more than once.
On top of that, two new Ammo Box parts have been added which grant additional reserve ammunition to your bot.
These come in two size variants, providing different amounts of ammunition in exchange for AMP costs, weight savings, and space.
These values may get tweaked in the future, but a good baselines is that a small ammo box will provide 6 missiles worth of ammo, while a large ammo box will provide 15.
With this, Forge is getting minor tweaks mostly to its HP and total mass, making them harder to take on aircraft, albeit not impossible.


As all secondaries now have the reserve ammunition system, any restock effects gained by the team bases, allies, Munitions Forge, or otherwise will fill into the reserve magazine, as opposed to the active magazine.
This means that these sources can no longer buff the fire rate of secondaries past their normal values.
Flux Weaver
 - Secondary restock rate added to statsfile.
 - Restock rate set to 50 per gun, ticking twice a second.

Munitions Forge
 - Restock rate unchanged.
 - Health increased 1750 -> 2500
 - Mass increased 300 -> 750


Increased UMRL max spread factor (0.0105 -> 0.02).
Compressed UMRL vertical spread. This turns UMRL from a circular spread pattern to a rectangular one.
Added UMRL spread factor to stats file.
Missile emissives are properly team-colored.
Salvo physical rockets are properly team-colored.
Nova projectiles that detonate immediately after firing (such as hitting your own bot) have smaller explosion VFX.
Fixed a few prop oddities on Feldspar Valley.
Increased OOB timer from 5 to 8 on all maps.
Added an arm timer on UMRL chain detonation so it will not chain detonate off of hitting your own bot.
Fixed friendly UMRL projectiles imparting physics forces when hitting your own bot.
Haha oops the Thruster logbook wasn't plugged in for two years.
Added the Gauss Rifle final bloom factor to the stats server.
Experimental change: Missiles have worse tracking against targets on the ground or at low altitudes.(<20m from the ground)
Added an Altimiter to the Nav readout (so you know when you are <20 from the ground).
Adjusted Compass / Nav layout.
Adjusted rangefinder text.
Fixed OOB Warning text not being centered.
Updates and fixes to localization tie-ins.
Removed the locked FOV slider, we're committed to 70.
Reduced reverb inside icarus slightly.
Increased hover lift force.
Swapped 3d convex hull calculation library -- fix some rendering bugs with shieldgen module.
Fixed some typos in the logbook.
Feldspar has been opened up a bit, has a new high-ground area at the garage.
Added two new capture point locations on Feldspar.
Small caves added near the big cliff in Feldspar.
Fixed an error when loading a bot that exceeded the capacity limit.
Updated the capacity limit warning graphics.
CAS cutter should no longer trigger on train or mines.
Flux crosshair is now green when healing.
Flux LMB can now be blocked by your own bot.
Flux RMB requires a clear line of sight to start a lock-on and will lose lock if LoS is blocked for >1sec.
Logbook and loading screen hints now integrated into translation setup.
F10 reloads localization files, taking effect on the next UI change.
Fixed an error that could occur when exiting test mode while switching weapons.
Adjusted rangefinder text.
Added a status effect indicator for when you are marked for death by going Out of Bounds.
Improved Replay Browser.
Feldspar lanterns on bridge moved.
Tank track is actually three tracks.
Increased Cas cutter range.
Enabled game-end jingle.
Fixed the normal map for CAS Cutters.
Adjusted and centered COM for EP A models.
Decreased visual intensity of OOB static.
Headlights are now their own functional class.
Headlights can be toggled while driving, and are synced across clients with a 2s cooldown.
Added rebindable control to toggle headlights (V, by default).
Only 6 light sources may be actively projecting light at once, per-bot.
Headlights are no longer listed under cosmetics.
Siren lights count as a light source for the per-bot cap..
Added an orange variant of the Siren Light cosmetic..
The skybox is properly refreshed when entering the garage on lower graphics settings, preventing scene lighting from overwriting it..
Added autocannon bloom factor to statsfile.
Added horn block, which can be activated by pressng the H key (with cooldown).
Added two classes of ammo box, which provide reserve secondary ammo.