"Experimental Warfare, again"
Update 1.3.1 and 1.3.2

( 1.3a | 1.3.1 | 1.3.3 | 1.3.4 )



Weapons and movement:
 - Gyroscope refire rate fixed.
 - Tank tracks are no longer affected by mass.
 - Nova projectile gravity increased.
 - Nova now reloads while stowed.
 - Mines now inherit bot velocity.

Rivet specific rework:
 - Slightly reduced damage.
 - Manual reload removed.
 - Reloading while stowed enabled.
 - Bloom per shot and max bloom increased slightly.
 - Reticle bloom decay rate increased.
 - Automatic fire rate increased. (.15s)
 - Automatic firing now begins after a short delay. (.75s)
 - Semi automatic fire rate introduced. (.3s)
 - Reload delay added after your last round is fired.
 - Removed drop bars and reload indicator from Crosshair.
 - Tweaked VFX.

Battle, build and bugfixes:
 - New, buffed healzones are now enabled.
 - Adjusted exposure values across scenes to be consistent.
 - Adjusted lighting across all maps.
 - Feldspar paths widened and map has been baked.
 - Deimos is now more traversable.
 - Deimos has some more aircover and less crates.

 - Build mode gizmos added.
 - Scoreboard is sortable.
 - Chat added to end game screen.
 - Adjusted team colors on bot parts.
 - Tweaked Weapon and Health HUD.
 - Zoomed sensitivity slider (% of base sens) added.

 - Removed a few prop colliders.
 - Fixed misplaced A-GRV VFX.
 - Fixed a few typos.
 - Fixed Logbook using outdated location images.
 - Sweeps' beeping sound went from SFX to Environmental.
 - Fixed error spam in Blank Slate.
 - Made overshields less intense.
 - Fixed CoM of modules.
 - Fixed CoM of movement parts.
 - Fixed CoM of airframes.
- Secret new dev added to the team, smells vaguely of eggs

Nothing new :( (I'm working on more, promise)